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Editor : | Version : 2023 (last version)
Info: 2051 downloads since 2015-03-29

WOT is a reputation service, is designed to evaluate a website.

WOT helps you to trust or not a site knowingly when you search, shopping or browsing online.

WOT just shows the reputation of the site in the form of traffic lights near the search results when you use Google, Yahoo and Bing !, other search engines. The icons are also visibles near the links of socials networks like Facebook and Twitter, and e-mail services such as Gmail and Yahoo! Mail, as well as other popular sites such as Wikipedia. By clicking the icon traffic light, you will find more information about the reputation of the website and the opinions of other users. A green light means that users have designated the site as trustworthy and reliable, a red light warns that a potential threat, and a yellow light indicates that you should be careful when using the site.WOT in video :

Reviews and WOT are created by a global community of millions of users who rate websites based on their personal experience. In addition, third-party sources are used to warn about malwares and others technicals threats you may be facing.

You can share your experiences by noting the sites yourself and help make the Internet safer for all!

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